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    2018-09-01 20:08:47 次阅读 稿源:互联网
    处理 SSI 文件时出错

    添加灯光。我用一个软笔刷,白色散步的设置。我用白色画了灯光,然后用图层风格给他们一个发光。然后我把图层的透明度设置为25。然后我复制了那个图层,我使用黄色而不是白色填充,然后把层设置为叠加。我再重复的那个图层,并把它放在最上面剩下的没有额外的变化。Adding the lights. I did that by using a soft white brush, with some scatter settings. I painted them in white, then used a layer style to give them a glow. Then I set the layer opacity to 25. Then I duplicated that layer, and instead of white, filled the lights with yellow, and then set the layer to Overlay. I again duplicated that layer, and left it on top of the two others with no additional changes.


    然后我在小孩周围添加了一些黑色来创建焦点。我是这样做的直接在黑色的范围绘制,在一个白色的背景上就像这样。Then I added the dark areas around the kid, to create focus. I did this by just painting in dark areas. On a white background, it looks this.

    接着我将渐变工具设置为径向渐变(黑色在外部中间透明)在小孩周围创建阴影接着将图层样式设置为叠加。Then I used the gradient tool set to Radiant (with black on the outside, and transparent on the inside) to create a darkening around the kid, and set that layer to Overlay.



    处理 SSI 文件时出错
    处理 SSI 文件时出错
    处理 SSI 文件时出错